IH Homes exists as an accredited homebuilding group located in Lumberton, Texas. We take great care ensuring the security and quality of our homes by dedicating time to designing the perfect homes for our customers. Your home should complement the way you like to live.
"IH Homes has been extremely easy to work with and provides incredible service."

        Jeff and Susan Smith
"We are so pleased with their work and experience that this is the second house that they have built for us and our top choice in consideration for our next home."

        Nestor and Jenifer Barroeta
With IH Home's building experience, you'll enjoy high-quality construction, unique architecture, and many of our standard features including french doors. Simply give us a call at 409-651-3072. We look forward to seeing you soon.

ihhomestexas@gmail.com | 7740 Cobblestone Terrace | Lumberton,TX 77657 | Phone:409.651.3072 | Fax:409.751.3379